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Spring Forth

Writer's picture: Maureen CrichlowMaureen Crichlow

Updated: Jan 3, 2020

Today marks the Spring Equinox, or the first official day of Spring! We have patiently waited for relief from short dreary days with cooler temps and limited sunlight. Now that our wait is over, let's find ways to be grateful for the change, shed these stagnant Winter layers, and savor Spring like we never have before!

Along with this year's Spring Equinox, we have been gifted with a full moon in Libra, the last supermoon of the year! Full moons have an intense amount of energy. We can utilize this energy to release what no longer serves us with ease and divine guidance. This allows us to welcome in new blessings! Here's a Springtime revamped simple ritual I use to take full advantage of the power of the full moon:

Maureen's Spring Equinox Full Moon Ritual

You will need:

  • A candle

  • Sage or preferred smudge for burning

  • paper and pen

  • fire safe container

  • spring crystals: rose quartz, green aventurine, clear quartz, tourmaline

  • assorted fresh or dried flowers

  • pastel fabric

  • Himalayan salt



Create a small space or altar to perform your ritual. A small end table will definitely do the trick! Lay a pastel colored cloth on the table, then use your crystals to intuitively create a lovely grid design. Dress the table with assorted flowers and add any collectibles or items that represent Spring for you!


Use white sage or your preferred smudge to cleanse your aura and sacred space. If desired, you may also use a diffuser with floral essential oil (lavender, rose, geranium, etc.) Meditate for at least 10 minutes while holding a clear quartz in your left hand.


Write down 3 things you have been needing to release. These are things that keep you from achieving your goals and accessing your highest good. They may be bad habits, people, or the need to control situations or others. The idea is to create space to allow your blessings to flow freely. Light your candle and strike a flame to the paper. Allow the paper to continue to burn in a fire safe container.

Give thanks

Audibly or in meditation, thank your higher power for the release. Include thanks to ancestors, angels or spirit guides that you feel have assisted you in this work.

Cleanse and ground

Releasing during a full moon is an emotional activity. Treat yourself to a spiritually restoring salt bath with pink Himalayan salt and assorted flower petals, further releasing any negative emotions and physical toxins that may remain.


Move forward into Spring with a fresh outlook on your life's journey and a renewed sense of joy! Moonstone Chandlery™ Spring Limited Edition re-release "Live Now" is available to assist you on your journey this season!

Wishing you renewal and rejuvenation,


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